Monday, July 2, 2012

Maximize Your 24 Hours.

One of the best things I've started to do more recently is get off my ass and be active. It's been a great release for me and has done wonders for my state of mind. I spend much of my free time in this area just thinking and clearing my mind. Since working in the healthcare industry, I've learned a lot about the importance of staying active. My good friend Lady La really inspired me to get out there and maximize my 24 hours. I thought I'd pass the knowledge on to the people who read my blog because it's one of the best things I've started to do in my adult life. 


Anonymous said...

Are you going to do video blogs?

J*star said...

I've had like 10 people ask me that recently and I've considered it. Picking a lane for video blogging is my main concern. But who knows maybe in the future I'll incorporate that!

Anonymous said...

Ok cool!
I'm glad you are considering it.
I was always curious!
Have a nice day!