Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Back From San Francisco!

I got home safe (thank you God) tonight and I'm literally trying to do 999 things right now. The trip was amazing! I haven't had this much fun in a long time, if ever. I was in SF for 5 days chillen with a lot of good people. I had an amazing Thanksgiving and the food was SUPERB! Black Friday was pretty crazy but tons of fun! I made it out to the black-scale flagship and picked up some items that I've been dying to get! Plus I was visiting the BS homies who always look out for me when I'm in town (thanks reezy!). I also went to huf the next day to visit some homies as well and pick up an item that I've been peepin. For my last night in SF, I went ice skating and surprisingly enough I didn't eat shit. I had so much fun on this trip and if you follow me on twitter/facebook you prolly seen some of my adventures in SF. The best part of the trip was to be around people who just make you feel so good to be alive. It felt good to look and the mirror and just smile for no reason other then the fact that you get to see another day God has for you...

1 comment:

LuvinNaTNaT said...

Yo...i remember tellin ya to get facebook and you was like Hell nah!! now u gotz one!! I need some Justin in my small online life.