Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lets Catch Up!

Hello world, it’s me again back on BlogSpot! I took a lot of time off focusing on other projects but this has always been my baby. My BlogSpot gave me a lot of opportunities to connect with people all over the world, people that I still to this day work with. I started this blog back in 2008, just wanting to post a few of my poems and it just expanded. I never thought anyone would take time out of their day to care about what I had to say, but they did. I’ve always gave so much credit to my blog for building that platform for some of the relationships I currently have. In the past year so much has changed in my life. I moved to the east side of phoenix, I’ve had a few changes with my career pathing, I started a wine site called Jackson Avenue: Wine Lifestyles and now working more closely with my brother to further our dreams for designing the future. It’s exciting times and I wanted to continue to document my road towards some of my goals. I would also like to give special thanks for the emails, FB messages, tweets, and conversations with people who asked me continue my work and even the emails that I still receive to this day on BlogSpot for a possible return.

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