Sunday, June 29, 2008


Let me start off by saying this was the best movie I have seen in the past 6 months hands DOWN and especially after seeing the hour long suck fest better known as "The Happening" I was so happy to see a movie that had a good plot and NON-corny acting ( shoutouts to brii for pointing that out ) . The whole movie is good from start to end and I would put this movie under "300" as my list for favorite movies. If you haven't seen the movie yet you should either go watch it NOW or poke your eyes out to save yourself from watching any other movie that won't compare to "Wanted". P.S Angelina Jolie = O_O (that's my "omg" face lol)
J*star says... 15/10 It's that damn good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the happening was the greatest suck fest of the year in my opinion lol

wanted idk man... ironman ??
and i just seen hancock
but i got it
1 iron man
2 wanted
3 hancock

dont forget about the darkknight!